
A bad encounter (Two cops in Zombieland #4)

After having found a shotgun and a bus, our heroes decided to quit the town center, full of zombies now. As stated in the rule, when you change area you have to roll for an encounter (Random Road Encounters, ATZ, p56.). Christophe rolled an ambush (by a gang of five)... Here is the set up:

I decided to keep the characters (Jaqen, Isaac and Gloria) in the bus.

A lot of zombies were attracted by the noise. I count on them to ambush the ambushers!

At first all went well: the ambushers were charged by zombies and killed. But I rolled four "6" for the next four activations (!!), so impossible to move (but not to fire with our shotguns when charged by zombies...). With so much noise, zombies were everywhere!

Fortunately we managed to flee (with a lot of successful Lose Control tests).

As usual with Christophe's campaign, you can read more on his blog (in french).

Special rule to play zombies' assault on the bus: each zombie in contact with the bus rolls one die ; each survivor in the bus rolls one die. We count successes. If the zombies roll more, the number of successes exceeding is the number of zombies in the bus. If so, the survivors have to roll a Being charged test.


  1. Great job on your batrep. I love the way you have enhanced the pictures with the arrows and devices. Very cool.

  2. Yes, I've been following this campaign as well now and very much enjoying it. Sometimes the dice are in your favour, sometimes they arn't. Risky using the shotguns though. They do attract a LOT of attention.

  3. Wow..."fortunately" is a really big word in this report! Looked for a second like the Characters were about to be served up for lunch! Great setup and report. BTW, the storm drain cover is a icing on the cake.

  4. Great report, and I LOVE that table you're playing on, really looks amazing.

  5. Nice report!
    I like that zombie bus assault rule.

  6. Fantastic! Just like watching a motion picture.

    Very exciting encounter this.
