
My participation in Tomorrow's War STRIKE FORCE Contest!

Here is my participation in Tomorrow's War STRIKE FORCE Contest!

The following troops were played with Tomorrow's War (see here) and 5150: Star Army (see here), two great games!

The first five pictures are for the contest, the others, for the pleasure...

Drop Zone Aegis (DZA), a mercenary corporation, is well known for its airmobile troops (lightning regiments).  The basic framework for deployable airmobile units is the Airmobile Space-Ground Task Force (ASGTF), a flexible structure that can vary in size. A ASGTF is composed of four elements: the command element (CE), the ground combat element (GCE), the space combat element (SCE) and the dropship combat element (DCE)

Below is the Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) of the first company ground combat element (GCE) of the 7th Regiment (this regiment is better known as the Helljumpers) :

1 x Assault infantry platoon with 3 squads of two fireteams
1 x Heavy weapons platoon with 8 heavy weapon teams (2 Gauss cannons, 2 ATGM, 4 MMG)
1 x Exo armor platoon of 6 exo armors
1 x Medium walker platoon of five walkers: three old models (Fulcrum) and two new ones (Destrier)
1 x Light walker platoon of four walkers (Hammer)
1 x Mortar platoon (Armadillo self-propelled mortar)
1 x Company command group (of four) with a sniper team

1) 1st company/7th regiment
2) Assault infantry platoon and Exo armors platoon
3) Assault infantry platoon
4) Front: Heavy weapons platoon
5) Walkers: Hammer (center), Destrier (right), Fulcrum (left)
An armored patrol...
Armadillo mortars ready to fire
Exo armor platoon
A sniper team
Fulcrum walker advancing 
Assault troopers

Troopers and Exo armors by Ground Zero Games,
Snipers by Rebel Minis,
Fulcrum armors by Rackham (AT43),
Destrier armor and Armadillo mortars by Dream Pod 9,
Hammer armor by Dark Realm Miniatures.


  1. Very nice work. Good luck with the competition.

  2. Me too , good luck for this challenge ;)
    All the club Achille look at you !

  3. Splendid! Best of luck with the contest.

    Your sniper team is superb.
