
Problems... (Flint & Fur #3)

Third installment of my Adventures in the Lost Lands campaign.
Touga decided to go hunting with his warriors (two REP 4 and Rahan, a REP 4 Star).
PEF are detected...

Tounga is approaching cautiously...

They are Neanderthal raiders!

Touga has to stop them since they are heading toward the village...

The fight is brutal. Four Neanderthal are slain as two of Touga's warriors...

In the end, Touga and Rahan are put out of the fight and taken prisoners... Only 4 Neanderthal (out of 8) survived the encounter.

Cro Magnon: Copplestone Castings
Neanderthal: Pulp Figures


  1. It's so cool to see you getting so much out this campaign! Wonderful as always!

  2. I imagine that the neanderthals will not be well disposed towards their captives. Maybe they plan to sacrifice them to their gods? Someone needs to raid their camp and rescue Touga!
