
Two cops in Zombieland

We started an ATZ campaign featuring cops (Haven supplement, p. 5). Our two heroes are Jaqen Gilgenkrantz (REP4 - Brawler, Athlete, Flirty) and Isaac A. Clifford (REP4 - Stone Cold, Transporter, Child of Heart). These two cops are presented (in french) on Christophe's blog (since it's his campaign): here.
We played two scenarios. 

# In the first one, Isaac and Jaqen met their first zombies after having been called for an ambulance accident.

The complete battle report (in french) is on Christophe's blog: here.

# The second scenario we played is from the Haven supplement: Quarantine.
"You and your fellow police officer are assigned to patrol the edge of an area that has been quarantined by County Health officials"(p.7).

We managed to guard the area but Jaqen fled like a coward... (in a few days all this will be forgotten).

The complete battle report (in french) is on Christophe's blog: here.

It's our third ATZ campaign. You can have a look to the previous ones:
Haitian Tales (an haitian gang meets zombies)
Josh Randall (a bounty hunter becomes hunted)


  1. Looks like a fun couple of scenarios. ATZ rocks.

  2. Glad to see someone is using Haven, it's a really good scenario book.

  3. Can you tell us more about the terrain please? I'd like to know where the road/sidewalk pieces came from, in particular.

    Thank you!

  4. Thanks guys. The road/sidewalk pieces are from Worldwork Games and the building from DPM.

  5. look like enchanting game sessions

  6. Beautiful pics of great minis and terrain.

  7. Fantastic stuff. I've just started ATZ in 15mm what size is the table and do you alter the ranges?
    TYhanks in advance.

  8. These gaming tables are 50cm x 50cm and (for 15mm games) we play in centimeters not in inches.

  9. Thanks for the info. Excellent blog.

  10. Great report! Awesome! :D

    Highly interested in THW games and specially ATZ, I would like to play with 15mm scale.
    Then I have some questions...

    On Worldwork Games site, all stuff is for 28mm scale, no? Possible to adjust this scale before the printing process?
    In 15mm scale, the corresponding scale is 1/100, and HO?

    Thanks for all! ;)


  11. @ Jojogeo: I adjust the printing scale to 65% (but it's up to you to do less). 15mm is indeed 1/100 and HO but I use also 1/87 vehicles for ATZ and 1/72 tanks for 5150: Star Army. Hope it'll help.


  12. Thanks David! Perfect! ;)
    I'm going to take advantage from the -25% from Worldwork Games.

    Hope you're going to post next reports from your Z campaign! ;)

