-------------- THE MISSION --------------
La planète Tampros IV abrite une base rebelle assiégée par les forces de l’Empire qui ont entrepris un bombardement orbital avant de donner l’assaut.
Tout le monde a pu être évacué sauf les troupes chargées de détruire les documents confidentiels et de miner la base.
Le capitaine Barka mène cette arrière garde. Il est impératif de conduire en lieux sûrs Syl Plyton, maître-espion bothan.
Les impériaux cherchent à le capturer vivant (OOF ou STUN mais pas OD). Des chasseurs de primes à la solde des Hutts sont à la recherche de Cal Madsen et Drewbaca (morts ou vifs) dont le vaisseau doit permettre de quitter la planète.
Planet Tampros IV is home to a rebel base besieged by the forces of the Empire who have undertaken an orbital bombardment before the assault.
Everyone has been evacuated except for troops who have to destroy confidential documents and undermining the base.
The captain Barka leads the rearguard. It is essential to drive Syl Plyton, Bothan master spy to safety.
The Imperials are trying to capture him alive (OOF or STUN but not OD). Bounty hunters in the pay of the Hutts are looking to Cal Madsen and Drewbaca (dead or alive) who are the pilots of the ship that should drive all them off the planet.
Les Rebels doivent sortir du champ de bataille par un petit côté de la carte.
Rebels are to leave the battlefield through a small side of the map.
-------------- THE MAP --------------

-------------- SPECIAL RULES --------------
- Règler les blasters pour étourdir : dans ce cas le blaster a une portée divisée par deux et donne les résultats suivants : OD = stun 3 tours ; OOF = stun 1 tour ; KB = rien.
- Zone de cratères : terrain difficile (1/2 mouvement) et protection comptant comme un couvert.
- Setting blasters to stun: in this case the blaster has a range divided by two and gives the following results: OD = stun 3 turns; OOF = stun 1 turn; KB = nothing.
- Craters area: difficult terrain (half movement) and counting as a protective cover.

-------------- FORCES --------------
- Squad Barka : 10 Rebel Troopers, captain Barka
Vargo Sumb
- Commando squad Red : 3 commandos, 1 sgt
- Commando squad Blue : 3 commandos, 1 sgt
- Cal Madsen
- Drewbacca
- Syl Plyton

- Squad A : 8 Stormtroopers, 1 Heavy Weapon, 1 Sergeant
- Squad B : 8 Stormtroopers, 1 Heavy Weapon, 1 Sergeant
- Lt. Lornak
- Scout sgt Foz
- Captain Lenor

Bounty Hunters
- Tossk
- Dengar
- Duros Brothers
-------------- OBJECTIVES --------------
Capture Syl Plyton = Major Objective (5 pts)
Capture Captain Barka = Minor Objective (3 pts)
Capture Vargo Sumb = Minor Objective (3 pts)
Capture an NCO = 2 pts
Each soldier killed/captured = 1 pt
Capture Cal Madsen alive = Major Objective (5 pts)
Kill Cal Madsen = Minor Objective
Capure Drewbaca alive = Major Objective
Kill Drewbaca = Minor Objective
Syl Plyton flees = Major Objective
Cal Madsen flees = Major Objective
Captain Barka flees = Major Objective
Drewbaca flees = Minor Objective
Vargo Sumb flees = Minor Objective
Each soldier/NCO fleeing = 1 pt
-------------- VICTORY POINTS --------------
Margin of Victory Table
Difference of 0-4 points = Indecisive
Difference of 5 to 9 points = Marginal
Difference of 10 to 14 points = Decisive
Different of 15+ points = Total
Feel free to use this scenario. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Thanks to the Two Hour Wargames fans who put a lot of SW stuff on the THW archives. A lot of stats used in this scenario are from there. The Margin of Victory Table is from Ambush Alley Games.
Figures are from Star Wars Miniatures.
Moi qui ne suis pas fan du jeu original (trop classique à mon goût), je suis fan de cette utilisation des figurines! Vivement le rapport de bataille en photos! \o/
ReplyDeletetu es tenté par une bataille ?